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10 simple pleasures to be thankful for

1. Waking up to the sound of dear's voice
2. A pat on the head and a wag from my 10 year old dog
3. Finding my kitten curled up under the blanket with me when I wake up and I haven't squashed him
4. My health
5. A friend who listens
6. My Ipad so I can play nonsense on Garageband and read/paint when I need mental stimulation
7. Been awhile since I've dislocated my knee
8. A good cup of Joes in the morning without the headache
9. My contact lens not giving me problems
10. Still young enough to breed ;-)
10 simple pleasures to be thankful for 10 simple pleasures to be thankful for Reviewed by Surebor on February 27, 2012 Rating: 5

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