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Save money

Why is it when i was earning rm1.8k a month, i could survive, now i'm earning more than double than that amount, i could survive yet with no $$ left over at the end of the moment?

it seemed like the higher i earned, the higher my standards of living became. i used to rent a room, now i rent a house (blame in on the hermit in me), i used to drive a used car, i drive a new car which depreciated to half its value (blame it on me folks who never taught me financial wisdom), i used to be content with 1 desktop that lasted 3 years, now i have 2 desktops and 1 notebook.

all i can do now, is try to save up the odds and ends, while living in the city where the price of everything goes up except my salary (unless i chg jobs)

  • eat at home. i cook pasta for 2 servings and have 1 for dinner, and the other to be microwaved for breakfast. keyword: cook in bulk :D
  • once a week, i cook my dog's meal too. its healthier and dog food dont come cheap
  • look for alternative toll-free routes to get to work
  • freelance online, adsense etc
  • sell off my junk that i've not touched for years (monitor, hdd, memory cards)
  • no more mags, read everything online
  • refrain frm buying pirated games cd and dvds. search for alternatives online. (u know what i mean...rrent)
  • cancel that gym membership, jog in the park burns the same calories
  • schedule and restrict grocery shopping to only fortnightly and after meals
KIAM SIAP hor...but then beggars cant be choosers. how do you scrimp and save?
Save money Save money Reviewed by Surebor on May 28, 2007 Rating: 5

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