Time to update this list:
cigarette: i dont wan die of cancer
good cry: yest
library book checked out: where's the library in KL i also duno, but i did rent archie comix
movie seen: ong bak2
book read: bruce lee training secrets
cuss word uttered: bagger...
beverage drank: nescafe
food consumed: vege lotus root lotus root lotus root
crush: none
phone call: digi asking me to pay my f*king bill
tv show watched: gladiator
time showered: 8am
shoes worn: carrefour sneakers rm9.90
CD played: none
item bought: tablet tx2 woo hoo
downloaded: taxsaya
annoyance: frequent arguments
disappointment: dear lying about home loan
soda drank: 7up revive
thing written: code to validate schedule
key used:moto key?
word spoken: why cant work one
sexual fantasy: no more la, old liao
weird encounter: guy waving around like conductor facing the road, he was on phone via bluetooth
ice cream eaten: this red bean one
time amused: playing with new toy
time wanting to die: none
time in love: none
time hugged: none
time scolded: yest
time resentful: none
chair sat in: The office one; still sitting.
chapstick used:
lipstick used:
underwear worn: pink
shirt worn: cheetah with this 3 wolverine claw marks down the shoulder
time dancing: tarak
poster looked at: tarak
show attended:tarak (god, i dont have a life anymore)
webpage visited: mykyokushin.wordpress.com
clothes: bling is in!
mood: tired, physically n emotionally
music: anything with drums
taste: coffee
hair: going gray
annoyance: peeling nose
smell: ange and demons by givenchy..sniffffffff
thing I should be doing: Working, being, after all, in an office
desktop picture: spider
refreshment: coffee
worry: split
cigarette: i dont wan die of cancer
good cry: yest
library book checked out: where's the library in KL i also duno, but i did rent archie comix
movie seen: ong bak2
book read: bruce lee training secrets
cuss word uttered: bagger...
beverage drank: nescafe
food consumed: vege lotus root lotus root lotus root
crush: none
phone call: digi asking me to pay my f*king bill
tv show watched: gladiator
time showered: 8am
shoes worn: carrefour sneakers rm9.90
CD played: none
item bought: tablet tx2 woo hoo
downloaded: taxsaya
annoyance: frequent arguments
disappointment: dear lying about home loan
soda drank: 7up revive
thing written: code to validate schedule
key used:moto key?
word spoken: why cant work one
sexual fantasy: no more la, old liao
weird encounter: guy waving around like conductor facing the road, he was on phone via bluetooth
ice cream eaten: this red bean one
time amused: playing with new toy
time wanting to die: none
time in love: none
time hugged: none
time scolded: yest
time resentful: none
chair sat in: The office one; still sitting.
chapstick used:
lipstick used:
underwear worn: pink
shirt worn: cheetah with this 3 wolverine claw marks down the shoulder
time dancing: tarak
poster looked at: tarak
show attended:tarak (god, i dont have a life anymore)
webpage visited: mykyokushin.wordpress.com
clothes: bling is in!
mood: tired, physically n emotionally
music: anything with drums
taste: coffee
hair: going gray
annoyance: peeling nose
smell: ange and demons by givenchy..sniffffffff
thing I should be doing: Working, being, after all, in an office
desktop picture: spider
refreshment: coffee
worry: split
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