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My descent into racism

Never used to be a racist. I always thought that underneath the color, we are all the same. How naive I was.

We are not born racists. Personal experiences turn us into racists.

For example, we think of a certain race as lazy or have twisting, taichi tendencies. When they are asked to do something, we get 1001 excuses and they start playing the blame game. At first, we do not associate this behavior with skin color. We lay the blame on individual character. And a character behaves this way, due to cultural and social upbringing. Where they come from and how they are brought up, this is their norm. Yet as time progresses, we start to encounter more and more members from the same race that exhibit the same tendencies. A pattern emerges.

Another example, we think of a certain race as exceptionally dirty, rude and loud.  Yet, where they come from, this is a survival tactic, due to the sheer volume of population, if they are not rude and loud; they get lost in all the chatter. 

So can we excuse these behaviors just because they are committed by members of a certain race? If we accept the behaviors, we are guilty of racism as well. 

"He is lazy, because he is red/green/white/black/yellow/purple/pink, so that's ok"

No, it's not.

An asshole is an asshole no matter the skin color. You should not tolerate assholes just because they are a certain color or a misunderstood/oppressed race.

And don't even get me started on gender equality. 

My descent into racism My descent into racism Reviewed by Surebor on September 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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