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Selfish people who are always busy

 Today, I want to share an all-too-familiar tale of encounters with the elusive species of "busy" people. You know the type—the ones who magically vanish into thin air when you seek their company, but mysteriously reappear when they need something from you. Join me as we dive into the curious world of these self-proclaimed busy bees.

We all have those friends, acquaintances, or even family members who conveniently disappear when you extend an invitation for a coffee catch-up or a fun evening out. It's as if they possess a sixth sense that alerts them only when you're about to enjoy some quality time together. You patiently wait, anticipating their arrival, only to receive an apologetic text message or a last-minute cancellation. Sound familiar?

However, here's the most baffling part: when they find themselves in need, their "busy" facade magically dissipates. Suddenly, they have all the time in the world to reach out, ask for favors, or seek your expertise. It's like an alternate universe where priorities shift and their calendar opens up to accommodate their self-serving agenda.

At first, it's easy to empathize. Life can be hectic, and we all have our fair share of obligations. But when this pattern repeats itself time and time again, it becomes harder to ignore the underlying issue—their blatant selfishness. It's as if they view relationships solely as a means to their own ends, only appearing when they need something.

What's truly fascinating is their ability to make you feel guilty for not being able to fulfill their requests. They master the art of emotional manipulation, making you question your loyalty or friendship. Suddenly, you find yourself asking, "Am I being unreasonable? Maybe I should drop everything and help them out." But don't fall for it! Recognize that genuine relationships are built on mutual respect, understanding, and reciprocity.

It's crucial to establish healthy boundaries with these individuals. Remember, you have your own life, obligations, and dreams to pursue. While it's essential to be there for your loved ones, it should never come at the expense of your own well-being or happiness.

So, what can we learn from these encounters with the "busy" brigade? Firstly, it's important to value your time and prioritize relationships with those who reciprocate your efforts. Surround yourself with individuals who genuinely care about your well-being and make an effort to be present in your life, even when it's not convenient for them.

Secondly, recognize the signs of selfishness and set boundaries accordingly. Don't feel obliged to drop everything when they come knocking at your door. A genuine relationship should involve mutual support, and you deserve to receive the same level of care and attention that you offer.

Lastly, don't let these encounters jade your perspective on relationships. There are countless kind-hearted people out there who value your time and cherish your friendship. Focus on nurturing those connections and building a network of individuals who genuinely care about you.

In conclusion, encountering selfish people who conveniently claim to be busy is an unfortunate reality of life. However, by recognizing their patterns, setting boundaries, and surrounding ourselves with genuinely caring individuals, we can navigate these encounters with grace and prioritize relationships that bring us joy and fulfillment. So, let's celebrate those who make time for us, rather than chasing after those who only show up when they need something.

Selfish people who are always busy Selfish people who are always busy Reviewed by Surebor on July 10, 2023 Rating: 5

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